confidence Coaching with and

without horses

Do you struggle to make friends? Do you struggle to feel like you connect with people in general in the work place, with your kids, or even with yourself? Many people disconnect from their bodies or minds when things start to feel uncomfortable, or unsafe. They can either shut down, or lash out.

How do you step forward into the world with confidence, giving voice to your authentic self with integrity? How do you connect with others with kindness, and compassion, while holding your boundaries and having healthy communication that meets both parties with respect and genuine listening?

Confidence coaching sessions are tailor made to meet your needs. Be it to increase the connection you have with others as individuals, or within your community. Or to find a deeper connection with your body, or your mind so that you’re able to be fully present in each moment and not stuck in a negative internal tape of limiting beliefs and invalidation. I’ll coach you on how to live your most authentic life with confidence, but not arrogance; with laughter, joy, and balance.

Confidence coaching can be done virtually through Zoom calls with anyone in the world, as well as onsite with your own horse. I am currently based in Charlottesville, Virginia in the U.S.A. Coaching sessions are set for 1 hour, but at times may go a little longer if we’re on the cusp of moving through something big. It is best to start with a three month package and meet one or more times per week. This allows us to work at the proper pace to make healthy progress towards your goals. There will be activities for you to work on through the week, and accountability calls when you purchase a package, so that I can help you stay on track if you find yourself struggling at any point.

Collaborating with professionals

world wide

To create workshops and retreats

With so many talented equine professionals around the world in so many beautiful places, I’m wanting to highlight different professions that lend themselves to the equine world in order for us to deepen our practice and support each other. We could all spend our entire lives learning about horses and all they can teach us and never run out of information to study! The workshops and retreats I envision will be located in beautiful places, with professionally presented information; and coaching sessions in between to help facilitate grounding, communication, boundaries, and self care as we take on new ideas and the processes involved in potentially shifting viewpoints in a respectful manner.

Collaborating with equine professionals to create retreats and workshops to deepen the experiences of the populations they serve is also something we provide at Global Equine Affiliates.

The more connections we make with professionals that support our common goals, the better outreach we will have to our communities in general.

Sometimes in life our problems feel like giant mountains, but with the right team to support us we can traverse even the most treacherous paths and arrive on the other side victorious.  Only then are we able to truly appreciate the majesty of what l…

Sometimes in life our problems feel like giant mountains, but with the right team to support us we can traverse even the most treacherous paths and arrive on the other side victorious. Only then are we able to truly appreciate the majesty of what lays before us, and approach life with true confidence.

Global Equine Affiliates

To become a Global Equine Affiliate, you pledge to create a referral program where you give 5% of your fee to the person who referred that client, for every service the client receives indefinitely. For instance if you had a client that was referred by a person, and the client came in 1x/week for 4 weeks; at the end of the 4 week period you would give the person who referred that client 5% of the profits acquired from the 4 sessions. If a person referred a group the same would apply.

This would allow for an infusion of money into the local economy, and hopefully produce an increase of referrals for services. If you referred a client to another equine facility, the same would apply, as not all models fit every person and when looking at the person holistically, we may serve them for a small part of their journey, their whole journey, or perhaps just a moment as we refer them to someone else better suited to their needs at that time.

Doing so helps create an abundance mindset in our field, and allows us to focus on going deeper with the services we offer and having confidence in referring out to others in our field that meet our clients in different ways. It will help increase visibility for our field, and create more functional relationships and communities as a whole as we serve more and more people within it. The rising tide raises all ships.

At Global Equine Affiliates we work towards showcasing and connecting as many equine professionals around the globe to increase the range and depth of the services people are able to offer. There is so much our field has to offer to the world, it’s time we shined a giant spotlight on it!

Equine assisted learning

With my background in education and equine assisted learning, I am able to tailor make activities to help students work through whatever they may be struggling with academically. I am also happy to refer clients to equine facilities in their area to best meet their needs; be it for therapeutic riding, equine assisted learning, equine assisted coaching, or equine facilitated mental health.

Equine massage: As well as being a medical massage therapist for people, I am also certified to massage large and small animals. Think horses and dogs. Though there was that time I massaged a hurt cow… :-) Equine welfare is important to me, so educating horse owners on the basics of identifying pain and tightness in their horses so they have another tool to try and provide the best life possible for their animal at minimal cost is a service I’m happy to provide. If that’s something you’d like to learn, or have integrated into a clinic at your facility; please let me know.